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Friday, October 28, 2011

Trailing spouses: Why are they so important?

Their qualification and profile make them very valuable to the Swiss society.  
They are the cause number one of  early assignment interruptions  
Their well-being has a major impact on the well-being of the expat partner, thus on his/her performance at work.  
They are the family social integration facilitator.  
They usually take care of the whole relocation  practical side.

 Any other reasons you can think about?

Copyright 2011 job4U2

Friday, October 21, 2011

Talk at the Anglo-Swiss club of Fribourg tonight

I am looking forward to the today event in Fribourg where I will give a speech for the Anglo-Swiss club of Fribourg "the specific situation of expatriates in the Swiss Midland and the situation of the accompanying spouses"

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

job4U2 has a blog!


From now on, you can post your comments/questions/remarks on that blog!